
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: abril, 2018


In this europass I explain my work experiences and my studies. How I see myself in future: real:

dream map

In the dream map I explain how I see myself in the future and what I want to be. https://www.pinterest.es/amolina288/dream-map/

experiencies in Manresa

My experience with people who came from outside is very good because you know new cultures and new people and in the end you end up making new friends from other countries and you just end up loving them. 

about me

My name is Andrea Molina. I am 16 years old. I live in Manresa (Barcelona). I'm currently taking the first scientific batxillerat. I don't have brothers I'm studying to become a future physiotherapist.  I do contemporary dance and theater. I love rock and rap, although I also hear trap, reggeton and classical music like mozzart.